Busy Beats Music Policies
Make-up Class
*Currently our ability to offer in person make-up classes is impacted by limited class availability, however as we grow we will be offering unlimited makeups throughout the year for enrolled families who experience illness or have extenuating circumstances. We do not pro-rate or refund for student absences. Make-ups are not guaranteed as they are based on availability.
(Please do your best to attend your scheduled day/time with regularity, as your child is best served when he/she has a consistent routine, attending the same class with the same children and teacher).
Tuition Payments
Our classes run from September through May. Total School year charges are divided into 9 monthly payments for your convenience. The monthly installment (regardless of number of classes per month) is an average of these 34 to 42 classes. Installments are automatically processed on the first of each month with the card we have on file for you. Families are invited to enroll any time and we will pro-rate the monthly installment. Payments more than ten days late will be assessed a 20.00 late fee. For payments over 20 days late, classes will be suspended until fees are current. A 75.00 Semester Materials fee is automatically applied to each family upon enrollment and on Jan 1st.
ON-GOING ENROLLMENT When you join our studio your enrollment is on-going until you let us know us otherwise. Your child will Step UP through the various levels of our program when they are ready. If you need to withdraw you may do so at the end of a month. School Year Membership is NOT A CONTRACT, and you can opt out at any time by notifying us via email prior to the 1st of the upcoming month. Once a payment is processed for that month, it is non-refundable (unless other arrangements have been made). Cancellation for future months will then go into effect.
Missed classes are neither prorated nor refundable. If there is an extenuating circumstance, please notify us and we’ll do our best to accommodate you. Cancellations are not accepted mid-month and class placement will not be held upon withdrawal. All make-ups must be completed while currently enrolled in classes. Make-ups are not available after withdrawal
What if I’m joining after the school year has started?
You can subscribe at any time throughout the school year pending availability and guaranteed your class space through May. Members entering after September will only be charged for remaining weeks/months in the school year and semester materials fee will be discussed and determined at that time.
SCHEDULED BREAKS Our Scheduled Breaks are built into our 42 week season and are not included in your tuition. They include the typical breaks that school districts take such as Thanksgiving, Winter Holidays and Spring Breaks. We follow the Katy ISD calendar at our Cinco Ranch location and the Cyfair ISD calendar at our Lakewood location. In an effort to keep things easy for our families, we also break for select holidays and peak travel times for families. Occasionally some breaks will be used to make up classes, but you will be notified in advance.
CANCELLED CLASSES Any classes cancelled due to educator illness or a weather event will be re-scheduled. We follow the School District closure system or facility closure policy for your specific location. We will text/email our families and post any closures on our Facebook and Instagram pages. We also use the Remind system for getting message to families quickly. Please be sure to join the Remind group for your child's class.
Busy Beats Music Policies
Enrollment Details
$85 per month
How to join. It’s easy!
Register online for a School year class
9 convenient payments: First payment will be charged at time of sign up. Further payments will be charged on the first of each month – October, November, December, January, February, March, April and May.
Classes only payable by credit card, so payments can be processed easily.
How to join. It’s easy!
Your membership includes an online music and activity library that is exclusive to members. New units are added each time we begin a new learning theme and include life-time access.
To access your personal Online Parent Guide go to my.kindermusik.com. Use your email address as your username and create a password. Log in any time and anywhere to enjoy your class music, ebooks, video field trips, printable downloads, and home activities.
Download the Kindermusik App at your app store. Log in with the same user name and password and your class music will be available to stream.